we rattled off some pretty tough questions - and he answered them - some not too well.
we asked him to tell us a little bit about the project that the government has and is undertaking with respect to the malleshwaram market.
he went on to explain all the little things that were part of the project - the same little things that the people we talked to in the market were telling us about.
we asked him when this project was going to be completed - and he said it's 90% done - the toilet is 90% done - the exact same words shiv kumar had used. he didn't give us a date. he avoided it. he switched the subject and went on to talking about how the government was having problems with the people who were using the market for their wares.
he said that for the last two - two and a half years they were having problems with kick-starting the market because of resistence from the people using the market to stay, etc.