Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The People and the Questioning

The Marketplace.

The Plan That Was.

Interventions and Requirements

1. Logo all over

Requirements: Logo design, printouts, 2 hours of time, handy cam and camera.

Work to be done:

a) Make design

b) Get printouts

c) Fix time and transport

d) Paste them at appropriate places and document.

2. Put up posters

Requirements: Poster designs, paper, printed posters, glue, brush for glue, 1 full day and handy cam and camera.

Work to be done:

a) Make the design (iterate, design, make required number of final prints)

b) Get them printed

c) Acquire glue and brush

d) Fix the date and place

e) Go do it and document

3. Singing on the bus and handing our RTI forms/link to a site

Requirements: Song, RTI forms, chits with the link, half a day

Work to be done:

a) Write, compose, finalize and learn the song,

b) Get RTI forms and get them Xeroxed.

c) Print chits with the link

d) Go do it and document

4. Slip in a note

Requirements: Note content, place, written note

Work to be done:

a) Decide the note content

b) Print or hand write the notes

c) Choose place and time

d) Go do it

5. Big Black Box

Requirements: Box, the paper roll, the final box, the content on the paper, the printed roll, camera

Work to be done:

a) Get the box and paper roll

b) Write and design the content of the paper roll

c) Get the paper roll printed Fix and assemble the box

d) Decide time and place

e) Install the box in that place and document

6. Twitter Map

Requirements: Laptop, screen, power, place of installation, 1 whole day, handy cam and camera.

Work to be done:

a) Get permission/information about the electrical and electronic stuff required as well as the screen

b) Decide and fix place and date

c) Go do it and document

d) Pack up and return things to whoever it belongs to

7. Loudspeaker/Megaphone Question Shout outs.

Requirements: (to be decided soon)

Work to be done: (to be decided soon)