Thursday, November 4, 2010


we did a small and quick exercise; jotting down slogans off the top of our heads.
this will feed into the visuals of our posters

rhino tumbles in

Let's first do somewhat of an over-view of our project. The concept, intent, process and what we hope as outcomes.

Each of us individually are interested in the process of the interventions and understanding through them relationships & interactions between people and the government, as well as location-specific(Malleswaram) community in the city of Bangalore.

Intent & Process:
We shall look at the intent through examples of the interventions that we are thinking of

1. Viral Graffiti
The 'stimulus' logos (previously shown as the gun with the RTI flag, which we are rethinking and re-ideating after analyzing it in the light of the reading 'Do Artifacts have Politics?') which would bombard the citizens visually, would create some sense of curiosity or even just acknowledgement of a new(and unknown) identity on the walls of the city.

2. Visual Dialogues
In the form of simple, attention grabbing sentences and slogans, combined with attractive and loud colours and viduals - posters and artwork would be slapped on walls following the 'viral logo', giving an expansion and explanation to; even opening up further dialogue.

3. Conversations
This phase runs parallel throughout, to increase our understanding and give us a strong foundation for our further interventions. Family, friends, activists, bangaloreans, (and then becoming more specific with) local citizens, local associations, MLAs, the BDA, etc.
We need to be meticulus in recording these conversations - audio, photographs, videos.

4. Interventions
In the begining, we had listed out various tools that we hoped to incorporate in our project, different ideas are listed out below -

- pictoral narrations
phase 1 & 2 included as a pre-intervention
photoessays of interviews
publicising dialogues of conversations

- sound
record interviews, mashup
loudspeaker in a public space, cols = complaints out loud, voicing the peoples' concerns
flashsong, intervention on public buses; song about the RTI in Kannada, Hindi and English

- crowdsourcing
twitter map projection - of citizens from all over the city/country posting their thorughts/views about the RTI

- participatory approaches
- artifacts in public spaces
RTI as the black-box - placing this interactive object in a public location, where the person would have to engage with the object and would receive information about the RTI in a surprising new form/medium.

with some persistant phonecalling and some damngood PR/HR skills, we're also hoping to do something on air with one of the radio stations in bangalore

we're keeping our minds and plans open to change and will try and incorporate to our best abilities new ideas and plans for interventions along the way as we will learn much with every step/day

this is it so far,
happy diwali.

pataas, tataas.